Malvern Coppicing – Courses


Phil Hopkinson at Malvern Coppicing has written to us with news of some coppicing courses coming up for those in the area who want to learn new woodland skills.

2 day coppicing courses

20-21st October,

10-11 November

The two day coppicing courses I run are an introduction to coppicing. They are a mixture of theory sessions which include tree identification but mainly practical sessions.
The training courses start with a walk through the woods looking at various compartments that have been coppiced over the last twelve years, over-stood coppice, and some coniferous blocks. The benefits of coppicing, ring barking and the importance of glades and rides are shown. We look at the differences between native deciduous woodland and conifer habitats and learning tree ID.
Aspects covered on the course include planning the work area, looking at various devices, building work breaks and stacks.
Please visit the website to find out more



