Good Woods


Good Woods – Free Woodland Advice for Landowners and Managers

Today, in England alone, it is estimated that more than 45% of our woodlands are either unmanaged or under-managed.   However the woods in the High and Low Weald have a long history of management stretching back into pre-history. Iconic species, such as dormice & Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterfly are dependent on continued woodland management, such as coppicing. However their numbers have tumbled as widespread management has declined.

There is hope that these woodlands can offer us more sustainable energy source and safeguard our most cherished wildlife through the re-introduction of management.  This relies on getting the right advice and talking to the right people.

The exciting new project, Good Woods, is offering woodland owners in Kent and Sussex a FREE advisory visit to help make the first steps to managing their woodland.

The visits will provide tools to help woodland owners begin management planning for their woodland using a web-based tool called My Forest; developed by the Sylva Foundation.  The tool helps woodland owners record information about their woodlands and ultimately create woodland management plans.

The Good Woods project is being coordinating in Kent by the Kent Downs AONB Unit and in Sussex by The High Weald Joint Advisory Committee. You can use the following contacts for further information and find out whether you are eligible for a FREE visit.

Sussex Contact
Samantha Nicholas, T: 01580 879500 or E: [email protected]

Kent Contact
Mike Phillips on 01303 815170 or [email protected]



