Woodland and forestry training

Dowdeswell Forestry Services removing Sycamore from an SSSI near Nailsworth

Rebecca Butler from the Woodland Enterprise Centre at Flimwell has written to us with news of some interesting training courses which can be subsidised by the  Development Programme for England (RDPE).

For more details of any of the courses, please contact her directly at the address below.

I wonder if you or your members might be interested in our training courses which subject to qualifying criteria can attract a 60% discount in fees

As the Managing Authority for the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Defra has made funding available  to assist farmers, commercial horticulturalists and foresters with training for business improvement.  Plumpton College is delighted to be included as a contract holder, as a member of a consortium of training providers and a delivery partner with Lantra.

Funded training will be provided at the main College campus at Plumpton, near Lewes, East Sussex and at the Flimwell, [A21] East Sussex and Netherfield, near Battle East Sussex, out-centres and across England, via our partners.

July Wednesday 31st
RDPE Funded Price £38 Woodland management-Increasing biodiversity

August Wed 21st/Thurs22nd/Fri 23rd
RDPE Funded Price £160  Timber extraction using tractor mounted winch and skidding

September Monday 2nd/Tuesday 3rd
RDPE Funded Price £110 Safe and effective use of a tractor based forwarder

September 2nd – 6th
RDPE Funded Price £278 Level 2 Award in Tree Climbing and rescue (training only) (plus two assessment days)

September 10th – 12th
RDPE Funded Price £227 Level 3 award in aerial cutting of trees and using free fall techniques (training only) Plus two assessment days

September Wed 4th/ Thurs 5th/Fri 6th
RDPE Funded Price £210 Using horses for logging in sensitive areas

September Friday 13th
RDPE Funded Price £38 Selecting trees for conversion and sawmilling in the woodlands

September Monday 30th
RDPE Funded Price £54.50  Applying for felling licences & forming management plans

October Friday 11th
RDPE Funded Price £60 Timber measurement

October Monday 28th
RDPE Funded Price £36.50 Woodland, Pest, disease and fungi – strategies of dealing with current and future threats

GPS and Digital Maps for Foresters and Woodland Owners

October  29th and 30th
Forestry Conference  and Wood Fuel machinery ring

Rebecca Butler
Plumpton College
Centre for Sustainable Food, Farming and Forestry
The Woodland Enterprise Centre
East Sussex TN5 7PR
Telephone: 01580 879547



