The Bentley Woodfair went ahead on the weekend of 17th, 18th and 19th of September another dry event, though not quite as warm and sunny as it was last year. SWOG was there as evidenced by the random pictures, (thanks Greyman, yours were the ones that came out well!).
Thank you also to everyone who helped on the stall and provided interesting items to show people what we get up to in our woodlands. We generated a lot of interest and signed up some very enthusiastic new members, some with woods, some without or looking to buy. The honey was a ‘sell out’ and enticed a lot of busy bees into the tent, along with the charcoal, carved mushrooms and some sandblasted oak roots. We also had David Brown enthusing one and all with his expert knowledge of woodland archaeology. Martin Garwood provided information and a display of woodland reptiles and Luke Ellis attracted a lot of interest and a few potential commissions with his woodcarving demonstration.
We also sold quite a few SWOG fleeces, these are in forest green with two zip pockets and the SWOG logo. We have a few left so if you weren’t able to get to the show and would like one please email me. They are £12 each plus postage, or they will be available at the next couple of meetings if you are coming along. If anyone has any pictures they would like to share of the event, please forward them on to me and I can upload them.
Many thanks
[email protected]