Here’s the latest news from our friends at Native Hands. including details of some interesting workshops happening this summer.
Midsummer greetings!
There’s quite a bit to tell you about, so please scroll down to read about the three events coming up…
The last coiled grass baskets workshop was fully booked, so if you were one of the people on the waiting list who didn’t make it, or if you came but want to learn more about the technique and about harvesting materials yourself, come and join us for a mellow day in dappled woodland shade doing just that, at wapsbourne Farm near Lewes.
You’ll learn how, when, where and what to harvest in a sustainable way; how to process the materials and you’ll get to make a small basket to take home with you. Marvellous.
Oh, and tea and cake round the fire as usual.
Here’s the link to all the details including how to book a place. Numbers are limited and only a few spaces are left. Saturday 30th June 10.30am-4.30pm, £45 per person.
Also coming up next month is a two-day ‘wild’ pottery course over consecutive Saturdays (July 21st and July 28th), Wapsbourne Farm, near Lewes.
Make hand built pottery in beautiful woodland using locally dug ‘raw’ Sussex clay, and try out using clay that we’ll dig on the day. Learn how to find and select clay in the landscape, how to collect it and make it usable. Experiment with making and adding inclusions which will strengthen our pots enough for them to be fired in an open fire on the second day.
On day two, we’ll fire the pots in an open fire, foraging some of the fuel from the woods. It’s an exciting process to take part in and magical to witness clay being transformed by fire. In the afternoon, we’ll have a go at fire-making using percussive and friction methods while we keep an eye on our pots and wait for them to cool enough so they can be taken home at the end of the day. You never know exactly how your pots will turn out so it’s always a thrill.
We’ll also have time set aside for connecting to the beautiful surroundings, making the day a nourishing as well as a learning experience. Here’s a link to all the details, including booking info. Each day runs 10.30am-4.30pm and the two-day course costs £90.
Also, at the wonderful Fabrica Gallery in Brighton, there’s an interesting basketry installation exhibition by Annemarie O’Sullivan in July, and as part of the event, I’ll be offering two half-day workshops, making baskets from English rush (similar to the ‘reed mace’ day later in the year- see this link
These workshops at Fabrica are scheduled for Weds 8th and 15th July. Please contact Fabrica direct for details and to make a booking- here’s a link to their website
If you haven’t already visited the Facebook page, where you can see photos and posting about all Native Hands’ activities, as well as post your comments etc, here’s a link to that. Please do visit and ‘like’ us- it’s a great way to keep informed of what’s going on .
Looking forward to seeing you in the woods…or in the urban jungle!