UPDATE 17th August 2010
There are still a couple of places left on this course if anyone is interested?
Andy Noble of Natures Craft is running an introduction to bushcraft day at Lords Wood near Alton in Hampshire later this year. This is being offered to SWOG members at a considerable discount, (£20 instead of £70) to cover their costs. Numbers will be limited to 10 so book early to avoid disappointment.

The Day’s Outline
A one day introductory session in bushcraft and wilderness living
11th September 2010 10am – 5pm – £20
The ‘Introduction to bushcraft’ session provides a taster into just some of the wide range of skills encompassed under the title “Bushcraft”, demonstrating how enjoyable and rewarding it can be to learn these skills.
Run by Andy Noble, of Natures Craft you will spend the day based in a woodland bushcraft camp where you will be shown and practice the following bushcraft skills:
- Making fire in a variety of methods
- Shelter construction
- Cordage production
- Plant, Fungi and Tree identification and their Bushcraft uses
The Natures Craft team will also be at hand to answer any other bushcraft related questions and will have a multitude of craft items on display to further demonstrate the potentials of this craft and hopefully provide some inspirational insights into the joys of working with natural materials.
Attendees will also be supplied with a voucher which will entitle the holder to a 15% discount on a future Natures Craft weekend long course.
Participants will need to supply a packed lunch, but there will be teas/coffee and squash available to help yourself to.
The course is run from a expedition style camp, and as such offers a very basic setup. With merely a trench latrine for toilet facilities. This enables us to leave a very minimal trace impact in our woods which follows our ethos of “leaving only footprints”.
The event will go ahead in all but the most extreme weather conditions, so please dress accordingly.
Please email [email protected] to book a place on a first come first served basis.