I Feel Good…!

Here’s a  chance to add to the growing evidence that  woodland ownership, being in a woodland, talking to the trees, communing with nature….. is GOOD for us!

Last spring SWOG members contributed so some  valuable research about why people buy and how they manage their woodland, (downloadable from http://www.woodlands.co.uk/about-us/articles/woodland-owner-survey-report.pdf).  Following on from that, woodlands.co.uk are looking into some very interesting research into the effects on our wellbeing  of owning or being in a woodland.  As someone who has used woodland conservation projects as a theraputic tool for recovery in pychiatric patients, I can guess the outcomes, but how does it effect you?

The suvey will only take a couple of minutes and you’ll be adding to an important body of knowledge.


Please be assured that this work is completely confidential and once the results have been written up the original data will be destroyed. If you would like to receive a personal copy of the report that is created (in the form of a pdf) please do say (in the final text box) and we will email you a copy as soon as it is published.

Many thanks once again for your support and involvement.



