Category: News
Chalara fraxinea — dieback of ash Advisory Note
A further update concerning Chalara fraxinea, ash dieback is available from the Forestry Commision. It includes a warning about trees which may have been imported up to 20 years ago, symptoms and how to report suspected outbreaks. Download the document here.
Woodland and forestry training
Rebecca Butler from the Woodland Enterprise Centre at Flimwell has written to us with news of some interesting training courses which can be subsidised by the Development Programme for England (RDPE). For more details of any of the courses, please contact her directly at the address below.
Good Woods
Good Woods – Free Woodland Advice for Landowners and Managers Today, in England alone, it is estimated that more than 45% of our woodlands are either unmanaged or under-managed. However the woods in the High and Low Weald have a long history of management stretching back into pre-history. Iconic species, such as dormice &…
Certification Help for Small Woods – FSC launches Smallholder Fund
The new FSC Smallholder Fund, which offers financial assistance for FSC and non-FSC certified forests, to put in place the systems etc that they require, in order to seek or maintain FSC certification is available now. The fund will be accepting applications each year, but the deadline for submitting the first-round, pre-selection questionnaire has been…
Alvecote Wood is top of the Tree!
Many congratulations to SWOG’s own Sarah Walters and her husband Stephen, winners of the Royal Forestry Society’s Excellence in Forestry awards in the Small Woodlands category. Sarah has written a wonderful blog about how they did it here. Read it and be inspired!
Forest research Survey
Laura Henderson from Forest Research at Alice Holt has sent a request for woodland owners and manager to comoplete a quick survey evaluation the conversion of non native conifer to native species. No more than 5 mins so no hardship! The link is below, thanks.
Alert over caterpillar pest in London and Berkshire -FC press release
29 APRIL 2013 FC NEWS RELEASE No: 15922 Alert over caterpillar pest in London and Berkshire People in parts of London and Berkshire are being reminded by the Forestry Commission, Public Health England and local authorities not to touch caterpillars of the oak processionary moth, which are beginning to emerge in oak trees…
Native Hands – workshops
Ruby from ‘Native Hands’ has sent us news of workshops and courses which are coming up
SWOG Meeting – Pluckley, 11 May
SWOG member Alex Bienfait has arranged a demonstration of a Micro Arb Truc with a selection of handling attachments. SWOG members are invited to attend this demonstration and to explore Alex’s extensive wood, a mixture of Victorian plantation and semi-ancient woodland on Wealden clay. This is a free event and a great chance to take…
Woodfuel Woodland Improvement Grant
Here is the latest News Release from the Forestry Commission, including a handy link to the ’10 easy steps to apply for a Woodfuel WIG’ available from Ngage who administer the grant.
Harcourt Woodland Barn – Timber Framing Course
Barbara Czoch from the Carpenters Fellowship has sent us news of an exciting timber framing course taking place at Harcourt Arboretum
International Day of Forests 2013
The United Nations has proclaimed that the International Day of Forests will be observed every year on 21 March, in an effort to raise awareness of the critical importance of trees and forests to every area of human life. Take a look at the Woodlands video about tree-planting here, or visit the Woodlands site…