Category: News

  • Woodfuel Woodland Improvement Grant

    Here is the latest News Release from the Forestry Commission, including a handy link to the ’10 easy steps to apply for a Woodfuel WIG’ available from Ngage who administer the grant.

  • Harcourt Woodland Barn – Timber Framing Course

    Barbara Czoch from the Carpenters Fellowship has sent us news of an exciting timber framing course taking place at Harcourt Arboretum

  • International Day of Forests 2013

      The United Nations has proclaimed that the International Day of Forests will be observed every year on 21 March, in an effort to raise awareness of  the critical importance of trees and forests to every area of human life. Take a look at the Woodlands video about tree-planting here, or  visit the Woodlands site…

  • BTO Woodcock Survey 2013

      The British Trust for Ornithology have sent a request to member in Sussex  to take part in a woodcock survey.  This is an on-line survey – surveyors will be able to select their sites and enter data once the on-line systems are available from 28th All the details can be found on the BTO…

  • Cranborne Chase AONB – Ancient Trees

    Robin Walter, Chartered Forester from Trees for Transition has written to us in his search for ancient trees.  Can you help put these  on the map? Please contact him directly at the link below.

  • High Weald AONB Grants

      Grants Available for Woodland Management Matt Pitt, woodland adviser at the High Weald AONB has advised us of grants still available for woodland management in the area.  For more information please contact Matt directly or follow the links to the website.

  • North Wessex Downs Woodland Forum

    Update 23 Jan: Still places available, the booking deadline has been extended to 28th January. Please contact Amanda directly. ___________________________ Best wishes to everyone for the new year. There’s plenty going on, I’m just sifting through my diary and deciding what shows I want to go to, if I can get away to a course…

  • Adopt an Ash and help secure a future for ash trees in Britain

      The Sylva foundation is asking volunteers to take part in a ‘Tree Watch’ survey starting next spring in an effort to identify which ash trees are more resistant to  Chalara fraxinea.  As owners and managers with access to woodlands across the country we’d be well placed to help with this survey. Read the full…

  • Management of the Grey Squirrel Survey

    We have received a  request from a student studying landscape management for woodland owners or managers to complete a short questionaire.  It is a very easy form, requiring a few ticks so it should really only take a couple of minutes.  Please download if from the link below and return to Andrew directly.

  • Chalara dieback updated

    Here is the latest information from the Forestry Commission.  It explains precautions woodland owners should be taking and timescales for other business like grants and felling licenses which understandably will be delayed by the added workload. Chalara Frax.pdf

  • Survey reveals ash disease in six more counties

    Here is the latest press release from th Forestry Commission concerning the spread of Chalara. There’s a link to a useful map toward the bottom of the piece and a video which gives good examples of how to identify the disease from both the leaf and the stem.

  • Government Restricts Imports of Ash trees

      Here is the official Government statement, issued by Fera and sent to us by the Forestry Commission.