Category: News

  • Efforts stepped up to tackle disease of ash trees

    We have received a further update from the Forestry Commission concerning the worrying outbreak of Charala.

  • Seeds of change could be secret weapon in battle for our woodlands

    It seems that every week we hear of new diseases threatening our trees.  Here’s some news from the Forestry Commission, of a more resistant pine which could provide some respite in the battle.

  • Archeological Sites Recorded in Waste Wood

    Many thanks to Sue Kibby of Waste Wood for putting together this article about the archeological surveying which took place last winter.

  • Government Considers Ban on Ash Tree Movements.

    Here is the latest press release from the Forestry Commission concerning the spread of Charlara dieback in ash trees.

  • SWOG at Bentley Woodfair

    The Bentley Woodfair was held last weekend in East Sussex.  It is one of the biggest events of it’s kind and attracts exhibitors and visitors from all over the country.

  • Malvern Coppicing – Courses

      Phil Hopkinson at Malvern Coppicing has written to us with news of some coppicing courses coming up for those in the area who want to learn new woodland skills.

  • SWOG at Westonbirt

    SWOG was once again invited down to Westonbirt to share the show tent.  It was generally well attended, despite the weather which turned out to be a warm and sunny Sunday, sandwiched by two days of rather less clement weather.

  • Ancient Woodlands Rediscovered

    Clive Davis from the Forestry Commission has sent us an interesting article about ancient woodands in Wales. Pictured at Cwm George and Casehill woodland during the launch of the Ancient Woodland Inventory are, left to right, Bill MacDonald (FC Wales), Environment Minister John Griffiths, his private secretary, Shona O’Shea, Trefor Owen (FC Wales), Morgan Parry…

  • British Woodlands 2012 survey

    Alistair Yeomans from the Sylva Foundation has written to us with news of the British Woodlands 2012 Survey.  It doesn’t take too long so please take a moment to fill it out.  The results will be collated and discussed at a conference at Oxford University to which all respondents will be invited.

  • Native Hands

    Here’s the latest news from our friends at Native Hands.  including details of some interesting workshops happening this summer.

  • Surrey Hills Woodfair

    Make a date in your diaries, the Surrey Hills Woodfair is a great end of season event. Full details on the flyer here.

  • Lurking in the Undergrowth!

    Thanks to Mick from Brixham in Devon for this photo.  He tells me there’s something lurking in the undergrowth, but I’ve not been able to see it! Anyone else?