I am a tutor at an alternative curriculum provision in Folkestone. We provide alternate educational opportunities and life skills to disengaged and disaffected students aged 14-16. I am interested in finding some woodland that I can use to visit with small groups of students, to carry out forest school activities such as campfire cooking ( I have completed the Earth Craft UK campfire management certificate). In return we would help with management of the woodland such as clearing deadfall / brambles, mending fencing etc whatever was required. Obviously we would like to only impact positively on the woods and would not cause any nuisance. I believe it would be extremely benificial to these students to gain such experience and gain environmental awareness.
I would be very grateful if anybody with woodland, within a 20-30mile (approx) radius of Folkestone that would be prepared to help could get in touch.
Many thanks in advance
Fergus Presswell
[email protected]
01303 851187