This is a huge long shot and quite an ask, but wondered if there was anyone in the South East who might be willing to volunteer to help us do some coppicing before spring?
we have had one problem after another (not related to the woodland) and now we are in the position that we are supposed to coppice an area of woodland on our farm and we are rapidly running out of time. To add insult to injury, my partner's father lent his chainsaw to people in their holiday cottage and we have found that they broke it! (probably fixable, but more time and just another thing to add to the list of disasters which struck since last sept)
We have an acre to clear, it is all pretty old hornbeam (about 80 years) although not too closely spaced in the area to be cleared. We have a woodland management plan, and we are also retaining archaeological features such as woodbanks and an old charcoal platform, as well as standards of a few varient species in the wood.