John Sinclair sent us loads of his prices: He says
you are taking on a huge task in trying to collate some kind of 'indicative prices', anthow here goes....
I sell, this season, at roughly the following: £20 / 100 logs, which works out at about £40/ cubic metre (or about 200-225 logs) which is about 1/3 of a ton, which equates to about £120 / ton or about 600-650 logs. Though this begs the question 'how big is a log?' or indeed 'how long is a piece of string?'
last summer I sold at @ £75 / Dumpy sack, loose and unbagged.
Wholesale price was £3.25 / 3kg+ bag, minimum order 10 bags, (British Coppice Association etc, so not actually labelled as any particular weight) but I found that the time and effort taken to weigh and even out bags was not worth the hassle compared to 'fill it and close it' style. Factory gate price, i.e. those who collect from store or my house £4.50, normal retail price £5.00. Having said all that the cost of bags is set to rise, as are most other costs, and I have sold at those prices for the last 5 years.....
Bean poles:
don't forget National Bean Pole Week end of April - beginning of May.
I sell at £4.50 / 11 or £5.50 / 13 (5 bays and 1 across, or 6 bays and 1 across)
Pea Sticks:
normally £4.50/10
Post & Rail:
Rails £4.50 each at 10' other lengths p.o.a. depending on quantity. Posts - an awful lot depends on whether or not the mortices are 2 or 3 and single(square) or 2 parallel slots but generally in the region of £10
where do we start?
Ash Tent pegs. 9" - hardly worth selling or buying at 35p each - mainly for garden badminton sets etc.
12", generally the size scouts like for patrol tents at 45p each
lots of slightly different designs now, some for beach volleyball, yurts, marquees
Bigger thicker, chunkier - pricier.
I almost invariably give a bulk discount to scout troops of up to 20%, because I think they deserve it!
There are a whiole swathe of other possibly products floating around out