it has long been my intention to get a few hives into our woods, in the early part of last year I bought four second hand commercial hives, consisting of a floor,brood box, 3 supers and roof, I added varroa mesh floors to the bases and left it at that, they all had frames but no wax foundation, and up until last week have been stored in one of my sheds at home, a few weeks ago my hive in the garden swarmed, I was able to catch these, so split my hive into two, and this got me geared up again to get some in our woods.
I have always tried to be less hands on with the bees, after all, they know better than us, so having watched a guy on you tube called Tim Rowe, and his design of a rose hive, this looked like it would suit us and our wood, so rather than fit full frames of wax foundation to each hive, which would be very costly, I've opted for 25mm wax starter strips in each frame,
we are going to start clearing a couple of areas tomorrow, and hopefully if I get called out to remove any swarms, these will then get taken to the woods
using the 25mm starter strip will mean that any honey we steal (next year) will be as cut comb, I have a special cutter and packaging for this, so we will be able to harvest on site at the woods, returning the frames straight away for the bees to clean up and use