so I popped in to check on the bees yesterday, and realised it was a much smaller cast swarm than I first thought, so popped back today to make the hive smaller and to give them a feed to help whilst building comb
I have another two small nucs at home, with only a few hundred bees in each, once we can confirm we have laying queens, I'll keep the queen that's from my strain of bees, remove the other two and combine all three colonies together, to make a stronger colony to over winter, my queens are very docile angels, so only right to keep the strain going.
I'm probably letting my imagination run away with me, but as a lot of woodland owners seem to make a few pennies from their woods, bees seem a way for me to do it too, or am I counting my bees before they hatch, so to speak.
I can see a few hives in the next year or two, all with wax starter frames, meaning cut comb, simpler to harvest, yet sometimes commands a higher price than a jar of honey
as del boy would say, this time next year, I'll be a millionaire