Why don't robins get fat?
Big garden bird watch: from RSPB:
If you love birds and want to help them, then the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch this coming weekend is your chance to do something that really counts.
The Big Garden Birdwatch has never been more important than it is today, with the results 280,00 gardens surveyed helping create a 'snapshot' picture of bird numbers in the UK, showing us that some of our birds are disappearing in scary numbers. We've lost more than ½ of our house sparrows, and ¾ of our starlings, and your results have certainly helped highlight these dramatic declines.
These surveys, therefore, help us spot problems, but more importantly, are also the first step to help aid a species recovery.
But we mustn't forget that Big Garden Birdwatch is also fun, easy and only takes an hour. Pre- register on the website and get 10% off RSPB bird food and feeders.
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