For years and two houses my mother has moaned at dad about the tatty A frame log store covered in red acrylic and scruffy tarpaulin.
He came up with this idea for a new wife friendly log store. feat=email
This is the prototype made from hornbeam and sizal (not sure of the spelling but it sounds right to me) rope threaded through holes drilled in the wood.
This one is much sturdier than I expected.
The finished ones will give us an internal volume of roughly 2cubic metres and will not contain any nails, wire or pallets. The front wall will probably have to be half height to get the logs out. Also it shouldn't be too difficult to break them down, burn and replace as and when its needed.
I spent yesterday felling and marking up the required 2.5m stems for building the permanant ones.
Im rather proud of my dad :)