I'm looking forward to getting this one over too, having the grass cutting attachments will help on the rides, I suppose theres pro's and con's to cutting them, in the summer they will still get left to go wild, as lots of flowers grow that the bees feed on, and I reckon cutting back in autumn/winter will help spread any seed pod's around, the other point is dog walkers on the public footpath, I'm thinking they may see overgrown as meaning that no one is around, where as seeing mown rides may make them more weary about leaving the footpath as they sometimes do.
I have found, that you can teach an old dog new tricks, months ago I picked up an arc welder in aldi's, as I'd always fancied having a go at welding, but a neighbour who welds for a living said that I would never be able to do it, as my disability in my left hand makes it "shake" so the rod wouldn't work. well proved him wrong, used my right hand feels odd and that tremor still shows through, but after watching you tube on how to do it, it's easy, this mower needed a couple of welds doing, next will be a camp fire cooking stand