I have had the following question sent to me, that I hope someone on the forum can help with. I think it is a great question, and brings into debate again how much involvement woodland owners could have with plants... Now, I know that this will bring lots of debate and look forward to hearing the arguments!
"Do you know of anyone who can advise us on any problem that we might
encounter with wild garlic? Our 2-acre wood has a thriving bluebell
population, but two years ago we noticed for the first time a small patch of
wild garlic, and this year this had increased its area ten-fold. Next year,
who knows? We are concerned that the wild garlic will compete with the
bluebells. If they can co-exist, that would be fine, but if not we shall
have to consider trying to get rid of the wild garlic. If anyone can offer
us advice on this, we would be really grateful."
Any thoughts?