Using my chainsaw for longish periods gives me a headache ! I thought for a while it was due to dehydration so now i drink lots. Then my GP said it might be a good idea to keep glucose levels high as felling/logging etc is hard graft so i make sure i have lots of carbohydrates. But the headaches still come on and stay around until the following morning. I mentioned this to a fellow wooder yesterday and he said the same thing happenend to him too and he thought it was due to the chainsaw exhaust fumes. A quick GOOGLE search confirmed that this might indeed be the problem. 2 stroke engines are pretty inefficient and bending over the engine one cannot avoid taking in fumes. I followed a lead to a possible solution in Alkylate Synthetic petrol, which does not contain so much of the harmful elements (but comes at a price)..TWO questions here 1 does anyone else get chain sore heads ? and 2, has anyone experience of using this fuel ? (What with inhaling chain oil too its a wonder any of us are still around..)