like many new woodland owners out there, when we purchased Goose Wood back in Feb, we didn't have any idea where to start.
One of our first attempts was to construct a form of dead hedge, after see pictures on here of other members work, it seemed a great way to use the Hazel coppice that needed removing along the pathways we were cutting, we did around 8ft or so, just to see if we could replicate what we had seen in pictures

well after adding the bridge over the seasonal run off ditch, we thought it would be a good idea to extend the hedge more, you will have seen those pictures in a previous post, anyhow we organised a work party with a few friends and got stuck in, we already had lots of cut hazel stacked up from clearing our pathways and camp site area, so it was just a case of dragging it all around to our boundary entrance, the flooring, which has a high clay content was as hard as nails, and we needed to use the post basher to get the uprights in place, so any further work will be left until the wet seasons, as they then tap in with a log hammer, but we are pleased with it so far, I did a little hedge laying into it, as a hawthorn bush was growing right on the fence line, and we have added a couple of ash gate posts, they still need banging in a bit more and cutting down to size, and then a simple horizontal locking bar/trunk put in place, although we do not get any visits from unwanted people, its more of a statement to the local pheasant rearers that use other bits of the wood