We held our first Open Days over Easter (Sunday and Monday) and had over 50 visitors, despite the arctic conditions and the need to wear ski clothing just to make it tolerable. I did some green wood-turning demos and let a few folk have a go, which they enjoyed. I've also been doing more photography of birds using my pop-up camo hide. Last weekend we finally managed to get a trailer around the woods, and pick up, cut and split enough wood to almost fill our wood-store. Something we haven't been able to do since the autumn. We have also rigged covers over more of our outdoor wood stacks, which should help them dry out over the spring and summer. We have been planning new coppice coupes for our next woodland management plan, made possible by purchasing the field next door, and giving us the opportunity to open up the hedge/boundary and let more light into the woods. Exciting stuff!
And planning our holidays. Wedding anniversary trip to...a woodland. Main holiday...a chainsaw course. Not that we are obsessed with woodlands or anything