I'm looking to construct a rustic shelter as 'base camp' later this year, when I'll be spending a fortnight almost living in the wood. (Of all things, having an open air craft exhibition in a clearing).
While benders don't look like rocket science, I'd appreciate pointers to any articles, youtube flicks, tarp suppliers, hints, experiences and pictures. It would be good if we could make it quite interesting in its own right, that is a pleasing architectural shape rather than looking like tripping new age travellers with feral kids and a magic mushroom habit. Quite like hemispheres & roundness. (That's why I married Mrs Paws, aka 'Der Oberstgruppenfuhrer', she reads the forum now so I'll get it in the neck when she reads that. -Stick the kettle on pet.)
We're not short of Hazel to act as a frame. Budget is not unlimited, and size may be around 10 x 20 ft covered area max. Don't do 'white', got to be green, with a decorative twist if possible? Currently know nothing about optimum tarp weight, ropes, ties, clips, bungee cord and all that, so starting as a novice and would value your tips.