It sometimes seems that there are as many ways of processing from tree to fire as there are people doing it. Everyone has there preferred way depending on their resources and the volume of wood they're dealing with. Reducing or minimising the number of times you have to handle the wood makes sense and for me that also means felling, cutting to length and splitting at the same time.
Right now I'm thinning some oaks where the main trunks are typically 200-300mm diameter. The wood in those trunks is going to season a lot quicker if they're opened. Do I want spend the extra time splitting them long with wedges then leaving the lengths for a year or two, or cut them to final length and split them with a maul? I go for the latter and I'm all done. The logs are then stored in crates (roughly thrown in rather than neatly stacked) with a rain-proof top and I'm all done. That works for me.