Hello All,
We are just thinking about which bit of the wood to coppice this year, we hope to make a start as soon as the leaves go. The main lesson learnt last year was not to start to late in the year, we really struggled to get it done before the nesting season.
Anyway, the next section we have earmarked is full of storm damaged chestnut from 87 plus what looks like discarded remains of timber from the last time it was cut. There's an old crane of some sort which obviously got stuck and abandoned, then it looks like whoever was coppicing just got fed up with it all and went off to the pub!
The whole area needs rejuvinating, it has a closed in canopy and many of the old stools have died so we will need to replant. We love the mature hornbeam we've got and there seems to be a lot of these self seeding throughout the wood. Anyone think it would be a good idea to transplant them to the freshly cut coppice, and if so what's the best way of going about this? Do we dig them up now and put them in pots for the winter? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Rich and Penny