Someone send me something for the front page please! I don't have a Q of items at the moment!
I am sure someone must have some lovely photos and a little explanation of what they are up to.... ;-)
Shock, Horror, Probe - The Grauniad reports the Queen was found drunk at the scene of mass wood invasion! Woodland owner/lookerafterer JamesM said - "Well I know the Queen nominally owns all the land but I thought she had enough not to come in to my neck of the woods - and whats more she left a lot of empty Stella bottles lying around!"
Ho Ho Ho ......
well observed Grayman!!!! ;-)
Did you notice the other article....
"Woodland owner jailed for treason"
...ah, but you wouldn't have, as you be at her majesty's pleasuring (I can say that safely from this side of the ditch)!
wood toll
PS Gives you time to catch on your disc world research!
Ah haaaaa! I'm just listening to 'Thief of time' again and I have all of a sardeen reaslised I could be seen to resemble an auditor with a name like Greyman......
Another witness at the scene was heard to say that just as the men in blue suits turned up the old biddy was heard to shout "Off weeth thier heads!" and "Who's Queen?" just as as a curled up hedgehog rolled by.
We went to have a go at having a fire to burn up a load of bramble and drossy wood to clear it off the track - however due to a certain amount of precipitation the area was too soggy - it was fun clearing the dams of leaves and branches from the raging seasonal rivulete! It has now carved some nice big sink holes through more tree roots.
I think we are due to have Winter on Tuesday this week - or so the Beeb Beeb Ceeb said just now.
Keep yer powder dry - yer never know when you'll need it!
Planted 28 Hazel whips into wet soil that filled with water as soon as we stuck the spade in.
Tried to save some Sweet Chestnut coppice and Hazel (where the deer had demolished mesh protection) by using more and larger stakes to hold it all in place.
Always a struggle but ha ho we have to keep trying.
A very un proffesional combination of chicken wire and black plastic mess with small posts and held together with cable ties. They probably stuck their heads over and then nibbled what they could get to. Will try better!!
I use plastic deer fence using cable ties. Never fallen over, but a deer did push underneath and ate a summers growth. They are not suppose to do that , but this one didn't read the rule book. Solved it by using logs to pin it down and hawthorn brash.
Havn't you folks heard.... it's December ;-)
or is time travelling at a different rate over there in the cabbage fields of Blighty?
wood troll
PS been doing too much work for other people to get much planting done here :-(
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