I'm going to be coppicing a hedge shortly. It's got so big and out of control it seems the only way of getting it back into some kind of order! There are deer around so I am intending to use the 'lop and top' to make a 6foot dead hedge to protect it from deer and create a screen whilst the new hedge is growing up. I'll be using 8 foot chestnut posts for the dead hedge as it may take a few years to come back. The only thing I'm concerned at is the dead hedge will need to be on the south side of the coppiced hedge, I guess this will effect the amount of light it gets, and hence it's rate of growth.
I could either make it a thick dead hedge, with all the lop and top contained within parrallel posts a couple of feet wide, or a weaved thiner dead hedge between single posts which will allow more light through. Does anyone think it will make a difference which one I choose.