Hi Tracey and Catweazle,
Many thanks for your replies.
Being close to home is certainly good advice, thanks Tracey. As I work full-time, I would only have week-ends to attend to the woodland. A one to one-and-a-half hour drive from home is certainly far more practical and palatable than a three hour plus haul early on a Saturday morning!
Thanks, Catweazle, for your reply. And you are quite right, I am looking at Kent, Surrey and Sussex. I read with great interest your reply explaining the income potential of some areas of woodland. I'd never considered that I could actually see a return on my investment in a woodland. This opens up an entirely new world of possibilities. However, as you suggested in your reply, there appears to be a common practice now in dividing up larger areas of woodlands into smaller pieces. I have found that 90% of woodlands for sale throughout the country fall into the <10 acres category; impractical acreage for commercial purposes, I'd imagine.
Your replies have provided me with some excellent information, vital in assisting with my choice of purchase, for which you again have my thanks. It also appears that I have much more to consider than I first thought! The leisure and pleasure aspect of owning and maintaining a woodland was, initially, my only focus, but the potential of deriving an income from it too has introduced additional variables well worth considering.
I will continue my research and let you all know how I get on.
With thanks and best wishes,