Someone needs to own
it. otherwise no-one will take responsibility for it. My wood is a point in case , its part of a larger area and lots of walkers/locals etc have over the years used
it but as far as i can tell not one of them has put anything back into it. Not money, time or thought.
When people take ownership rather than just title they are more inclined to invest further..arnt they.?
The alternative is just to ignore evrything, which in the long term will allow nature to do what it likes. This may be good on the whole or not, depends entirely on your perspective.
Rhododendron ousting others, sycamre doing its own thing and diseases possibly hammering natives. Things would change but not go away, new species evolve perhaps. Squirrles that can build log cabins. Winged badgers pursuing aboreal worms whom in turn seek to bore into the flesh of a small apelike creature living amongst the branches of ever spreading invasive species of tree. There would have been a time when these hopping furry midgets ancestors would have been recognised as nearly human..............liberals.!