Hi, I've recently bought 4.5 acres of wooded upland in Monmouthshire, Wales. It was originally part of a larger forest plantation but largely blown down in the'87 storm. It has regenerated with mainly Silver Birch but there is small but significant area of mature Corsican Pine that was not blown down in the original storm.
I have some ideas about how I want to develop the woodland and a fair idea of how to go about it. However, I feel that I would benefit from some expert advice and I consequently contacted the Forestry Commission for Wales. They advised me to get in touch with some private woodland management companies to discuss a possible management plan for the woodland. The Commission advised that the initial visit would be free but the subsequent plan would cost money. My understanding was that the Commission would re-imburse this cost as long as the plan met criterior in accordance with their 'Better Woodland for Wales' scheme.
Although I think a woodland management plan would be great, I don't know if it is worth going through the hassle of applying for grants etc for a woodland of such a small size. I wondered if anybody has any experience of having a woodland management plan and whether it was worth it. I would also like to know whether I'm allowed to implement the plan or whether the a Forestry Commission approved company would have to carry out the work.