Hi there other SWOG members!
Just a brief introduction, I have a 4 acre woodland in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire containing a mix of Oak, beech, pine, holly, silver birch and probably a few others that I've forgotten. The woodland is private, but we do occasionally have walkers wandering through. I currently use the woodland for firewood (fallen/deceased trees), wildlife interest and the odd occasionally bit of fun on my trials bike! I am also interested in making charcoal as I also have a very keen interest in fireworks being a senior member of the UK Pyrotechnics Society.
I'm looking to learn from other members about the responsibilities (and liabilities ) or woodland ownership. Ie, recommended insurance arrangements and risk management procedures for surveying and risk assessing trees (I'm wanting to perform this myself without the need of a arborist).
I already use all the fallen timber for firewood (I'm now a master at log stores ) and have made contact with the council for taking or dropping deceased trees in a conservation area (woodland is protected), so I have experience of the procedures that are required here.
Anyway, I hope to be active on here, so hopefully speak to some of you soon.