by Bearwood » Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:52 pm
If there is a TPO in place, it usually relates to a particular tree or a group of trees of aesthetic, cultural, ecological or historic value. I believe if the entire wood is of value in such a manner, then a SSSI or similar will be covering the wood.
In basic terms, buying a wood with a SSSI or numerous TPOs within is a lot like owning a house which is a listed building. You'll need to be very patient with the authorities regarding any work you do in the woodland, and no doubt they will require a comprehensive Woodland Management Plan. You will certainly be prevented from cutting down trees with TPOs unless they are overturned on the grounds of the trees being a danger to the public etc, and if its SSSI then any work will have to take into account the ecological fragility of the area and mitigate the impact it may have.