Hello people, my name is Rob Forrest. I've just moved house with my wife & 2 cats a couple of junctions down the M6 from North Preston to Mellor, near Blackburn. The property is an converted Huntsmans cottage on the old Woodfold Park country estate and I'm very happy to say that we also purchased a little over 1 acre of ancient woodland into the bargain.
We plan on taking our responsibilities as a woodland owners very seriously so I'm sure I'll be trawling the forum for hits, tips and help very often.
I'm pretty sure the previous owners didn't 'do' any woodland management of any sort. And I guess thats what I have to get my head around first. I haven't got any grand plans for living off the wood or making money from it or anything like that. A few cubic meters of deadwwod for the wood burner will be fine thanks. I think my main motivation is simply to protect it, nurture it, and provide a place for wildlife to thrive and survive.
Any useful words of encouragement or advice along the way would be greatly apprecaited. If there's anyone in the Mellor area with useful contacts, advice etc. please let me know.