i have just joined your merry little group - so thought i had better pop in and say hello
i haven't had much chance to read that many posts as yet - but i intend to have a good look around
i am particularly interested in PL insurance - as we can't get proper cover from RAP as they class a tiny gravel pit as a pond (as it does fill with water for best part of the year)
so i am actively searching for an alternative for insurance purposes and have read a few threads on here regarding this
about me - well my father owns a small chestnut copse - which i help him with
we have done quite a bit of felling over the last few years - and most of the timber has been used for post and rail fencing etc - and all the odd bits are logged up
my father is a dab hand at all the cleaving - and cleaves up boards and shingles too
i like making plant supports and trellis panals and other fancy garden bits
i want to start making charcoal - i make it at home but have not made any up the woods as yet
this year we want to build a steamer -so that i can make bits from steamed chestnut - as dad wants me to learn as many traditional techniques as possible - whilst he is still able to teach me
we only have a little patch of woodland (about 5 acres) but it is a very special place and i love spending time up there (as do the many guests that pop in to see us)
i must pop off now and read some of the posts on here - just wanted to say hello to you all - whilst i was 'ere