Hi to everyone on this amazing site, We have finally got round to becoming members at long last. As you can guess from my users name I was a game keeper for some time on a very large country estate. or as I liked to think I was a caretaker, my employer had finished with the large shooting and fishing days, as they were no longer financially rewarding enough when his son had taken over and his son never agreed or had intrest with that way of life,But I was asked to stay on to make improvements for the large variety of wild life on the estate, making improvements for the habitats, nest boxes ect. ponds and rivers, And keeping an eye on the vermin (poachers ect ) I had the dream job some poeple may say, and I was more than happy being out side from dawn till dusk, And as like everyone you start taking life for granted. But as people always say you never know whats round the corner and never a truer word said. A laps in concentration in a 500 acre wood land with a quad bike on top of you instead of you on top of the quad changes your life some what. And instead of cursing that mobile phone its the one life line you have. ( never forget that ). Anyway to cut avery long story short we are now looking for our own small wood land to purchase so my wife and my self can enjoy the life we miss so very much. As now my mobility is not so good . Take great care all and never forget that phone when you are out in your woods. John & Jess.