.... or is it Copiceer, because I have always lived close to nature that I see it is not so black and white. I think we all agree that the imballance of nature is largely due to our interference, namely grey squirrel and rabbit introduction, also hunting predators to extinction, which is still happening in Scotland with gamekeepers killing eagles and other birds of prey in order to protect game birds and " livelihoods". It is an impossible situation as nature imposes on our own goals and ambitions.
If you want to go and hunt for your food, fine, we do it all the time. We often eat rabbits from our woods, and occasionally deer. I also buy game from our local estate. My husband like many of you, has guns and an interest in target shooting, but he would never kill an animal as some sort of hobby.
When a species of animal gets too large in numbers, which happens naturally in nature and always has, the Hawks and Doves principle applies. A good example of this is Magpies taking smaller birds eggs. They have always done this but have never wiped out the smaller birds because as the Magpie population grows with the abundance of food, the small bird population decreases, providing less food. The Maypie population cannot sustain itself and decreases, allowing the small birds to increase in numbers again. That is how it has been for thousands of years, but when you see the Magpies raiding, the instinct is to shoot them.