Some very good advice above.
Lots of tasks are great as a hobby, but become tiresome if its a full time job.
I can choose what day I go & cut wood, but then its only part time.
Firewood is low value (I get £70- for 1.2 cubic metres) but then most woodland activities will produce some wood that is good for nothing else. In any case firewood is cash on delivery & the demand seems endless over winter.
As said above, it can be better to make added value products. But dont forget the time taken out by marketing/selling & chasing customers for payment. Also the investment in equipment/tools designing, training etc. I made a few batches of footstools, Oak, with cleft Ash legs, but the return was probably less than the minimum wage. The only way to make them commercialy would be to tool up for mass production, but I am simply not interested in that.