Small Woodland Owners' Group

lyme disease

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby greyman » Thu May 24, 2012 11:13 am

Having read the information from the home page I'd just like to remind other users that there is also a wealth of information out there from existing 'tick based diseases' charities and that there is also official information from NHS and HSE web sites to.


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Postby naturalworks » Thu May 24, 2012 4:55 pm

Thanks for the heads-up!

As someone who had a recent scare with a tick and a suspicious looking rash, I think that any effort to make this disease more high profile is essential. If only British GP's would take tick-borne disease more seriously!..

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Postby RichardKing » Thu May 24, 2012 5:37 pm

naturalworks, my post of over a year ago mentioned how my wife had a tick bite and developed a typical Lyme disease rash. Two blood tests by her GP proved negative.

I then read on the website of lime disease action that the bloodtest is very unreliable (& in fact the NHS were claiming a higher reliability than the manufactures)

Diagnosis and treatment by antibiotics should be on the basis of a suspicious rash.

A third test after the rash was fading finaly proved positive.


I recently heard of the case of my Mothers hairdresser, suffered for over ten years from joint pains, doctors diagnosed various diseases including ME, arthritus, now has a positive diagnosis of Lyme disease has been made.

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