Small Woodland Owners' Group

planning application

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Re: planning application

Postby pithillquarry » Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:42 am

hi,thanks for all your replies...thought i would give a quick update!!

i have been trying to get the planning people to help explain why it is that at my pre application meeting they thought it would be ok for a shed and that i should have plans drawn and pay for my application which came to around £800....then on the day my notice period was up to phone and say no! and also why did they visit the site and speak with my neighbors(who did not object)if they had no intention of granting permission.i got legal advise(as quoted in post)which cost me another £800 for the adviser to put in writing what i already knew...very frustrating! i have asked the planners for help and they are not interested....i have put a pop up caravan in the woods for now to store my tools.i am also a member of the british beekeepers association and want to keep a couple of hives which also makes it difficult. one thing i have learned is that the national park does not care about the land and are not there to help you which is really sad....we have transformed this neglected bit of land,we are also working with friends who are knowledgeable about birds and put up a few bird boxes and also started keeping records of their activity.

happy new year to you all,

thanks rob
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:16 pm

Re: planning application

Postby pithillquarry » Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:30 pm

hi ratcatcher,thanks for reply... it will make it difficult for me keeping my bees without a shed...i went along to the committee meeting which took place(because the parish council did not object to my application a committee meeting had to be held!) and i did tell them i wanted keep my bees there and it did not make a difference to the meeting i asked if they would review my application and that national park could ask me to remove the shed should i stop keeping bees....there was no response from them...they just spoke among themselves clarifying where or not i needed planning permission to keep bees!! :evil:

cheers rob
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:16 pm

Re: planning application

Postby Alex » Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:37 pm

what would happen if you just said, screw this and went and built the shed? I presume it's not going to be some massive shed, and merely the equivalent to a large garden shed for storage purposes.
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Joined: Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:42 pm

Re: planning application

Postby pithillquarry » Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:12 pm

hi alex...i could just buy a shed and put it up but its not worth the hassell when all they will do is tell me to remove it,its not the size or location of the shed that seems to be the problem... i have asked them to advise me and work with me....but they are unwilling to discuss it.they say i should get a planning consultant to tell me what i can and cannot have on the land....i paid a consultant £800 to tell me that they should infact be advising me!the shed would not be visible as is the pop up caravan at the moment but i have a feeling they are snooping around and will tell me to remove the caravan after 28days :(

cheers rob
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:16 pm

Re: planning application

Postby pithillquarry » Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:05 pm

hi ,as far as i am aware i can have the caravan there for 28 days i am not 100% sure...if the national park were there to help i would ask them.i am also unsure about moving the caravan around, its very difficult to get any straight forward answers...this is why i went down the planning route to get a shed and not have play these cat and mouse games with them.....

cheers rob
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:16 pm


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