I'm still looking for a wood of my own to buy after a couple of years, but trying to bring to life a dream is always hard work!
Part of my eventual plan is to buy a house that makes use of a wood-burning stove and to manage the woodland that I hope to eventually buy, sustainably, (possibly by coppicing) and harvest some of it for burning at home.
I currently have the opportunity to buy a garage which is part of my eventual plan - to store forestry related equipment in (as I still live in a flat!) and possibly to store logs for seasoning.
I know the short answer is air circulation is key to seasoning logs and the garage in question is a stand-alone concrete/corrugated iron jobby, but practically speaking, is a garage still a useful place to store logs for seasoning in (besides secure - yes, but airflow poor)?
Has anyone any practical experience of storing wood in a seldom-visited garage? Does it help at all in speeding things up as opposed to stacking in the woodland itself (I've read the great post by Steve1 about how to best stack/store in the woodland and the great idea of ring-barking to kickstart the drying process). I wouldn't be in any particular rush to use the seasoning wood, so even if it takes 2-3 years, perhaps, then I can plan around that.
As always, just thinking aloud and would appreciate advice from anyone who has any experience of this idea in practice.
Thank you.