I have personal experience of the Drinksafe Water Bag and I've given it up as a bad job when compared to similar alternatives available. A colleague of mine has the Travel Tap and the Water Straw of which, the former is equally poor (despite videos online which show the contrary) and the water straw is surprisingly suitable for its intended use.
For camps extending to several days, the Drinksafe filters tend to slow down to a drip more than a flow, and the filters become useless unless thoroughly dried out after each use, making them a little unsuitable for field service in my opinion.
I've resorted to the MSR Sweetwater with hand-pumped filter and added diox drops for myself whilst out and about camping/bushcrafting and I rate it very highly, certainly twice the price of a Drinksafe Water Bag, but I wish I'd gone for the MSR first and saved the money. I still have a the Drinksafe somewhere if someone wants to try it?