Small Woodland Owners' Group

My dream woodland

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My dream woodland

Postby Wigan Pixie » Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:57 pm

Please feel free to remove this, if it isn't appropriate, but I thought some of you may like to read my blog about how I'm hoping to raise money to buy a woodland. I'm not being greedy, it isn't just for me. I'm hoping to get as many people involved as possible both running and working in it. This project is in the very early stages but it's got to start somewhere. Hope you enjoy it :D
Wigan Pixie
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Location: Lancashire

Re: My dream woodland

Postby Stephen1 » Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:05 pm

That's a bit harsh ratcatcher! Good luck with your dream Wigan Pixie. Just do it - You don't need a house, you need a wood!!
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Re: My dream woodland

Postby Alex » Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:35 am

Now I want to know what ratcatcher originally said!

Anyways good luck with your woodand dream (did you miss out the L on purpose in that?)
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Re: My dream woodland

Postby Jackdaw » Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:15 pm

Oh please can we see old ratcatchers comments ???.
Its doing my nut in, Its the not knowing that kills you.
I can only imagine it was bad, and bad enough for my face to look like the following if I was ever the find out the truth :o :o :o :o :o :oops: :oops: :?
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Re: My dream woodland

Postby splodger » Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:08 pm

if ratcatcher made a post that (after reflection) he then decides to edit / delete - he has every right to do so (good for them)

i would like to say at this point that (as one of a few moderators on the forum) if i had read his or any other comment (from another) on the forum that was deemed inappropriate in any way - not only do "we" have the ability to edit / delete such posts as moderators - we can ban / propose a banning - of any member that persistantly posts inapt messages

please keep the forum friendly - it's much more enjoyable for all then ;)

i'd now like to say welcome to wigan pixie - and good luck with your venture 8-)
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Re: My dream woodland

Postby Wigan Pixie » Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:49 pm

I have to say that I would like to see ratcatcher's deleted post too but that's because I'm a nosy old so and so. With this project, as with others before, I welcome comments whether positive or not, although not if they're mean and spiteful just for the sake of it. I'm old enough and ugly enough to have heard it all before, so I doubt anything will upset me.

Our little co-operative have also been chastising me and also reminding me that it isn't just a woodland that we're after, it's a small farm, smallholding, or whatever, but as long as there is a reasonably sized woodland attached I know I'll be happy. I'm feeling very optimistic about it all, as we've a lot of prospective new members and supporters lined up. I just have to finish helping with the market garden wind break planting to finish and then start again with out project.
Wigan Pixie
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Location: Lancashire

Re: My dream woodland

Postby Meadowcopse » Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:50 pm

I picked up an Austrian scythe from Simon Fairlie at Monkton Wyld Court, Devon earlier this year.
Some interesting alternative land use ideas and practice...
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Re: My dream woodland

Postby Wigan Pixie » Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:56 pm

Actually we aren't hippies and we don't live in the truck, she is used for when we're working away. I actually live in one of the two houses I own and look as normal as the next person. We chose to get an old truck to restore, rather than get a boring plastic fantastic bog standard motor-home - that would have been far too easy, anyone with the money can go out and buy one. Personally I don't like having the same as everyone else so we made a choice to buy her and three years on she is beautiful inside and makes a lovely gallery for my partner's pyrography and I have yet to find someone who doesn't like her. We couldn't be hippies anyway, the truck has a loo and shower room, surely no self-respecting hippie would be seen dead with those ;)

I also know quite a lot about planning laws and have helped with applications for various things. I know my local planning officer (and the rest of the council for that matter) pretty well, as in my previous life I worked in 'authority', and certainly don't see them as ogres. They have a job to do and can actually be very helpful if you approach them the right way, which does not include offering any pills/potions/home grown, unless it's the cider brewed from my own small orchard - I don't drink very much or very often, so there is usually some going spare.

So I'm not some aging hippie who is having a mid-life crisis and wants to live the good life. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time but having spent a large part of my adult life working bloody hard and then being full-time carer to my both disabled husband and my elderly parents until they recently died, I've decided that it's time to put myself first.
Wigan Pixie
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Re: My dream woodland

Postby Wigan Pixie » Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:08 pm

Meadowcopse wrote:I picked up an Austrian scythe from Simon Fairlie at Monkton Wyld Court, Devon earlier this year.
Some interesting alternative land use ideas and practice...

I have a scythe, which I bought many years ago from a used tool stall at a greenwood fair. It was bought on a whim because I liked the look of it (I have a thing for old tools) so I've no idea where it comes from, but it's been a great tool to use and really does the job. Monkton Wyld Court looks like an amazing place, sadly it's too far for me to travel just to do a course although there are a couple I wouldn't mind. I usually get my knowledge from the experts I already know and I do volunteering, such as land army work, so I pick up a lot of useful information from that, but it would be nice to do a proper course without any distractions. I know I can get funding to do something if I wanted, one of the perks of volunteering I suppose, and I always enjoy passing on any skills I have - probably the reason I spend my summers giving free workshops. So I may choose one and indulge myself :D
Wigan Pixie
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Re: My dream woodland

Postby Wigan Pixie » Sat Dec 01, 2012 1:02 am

That chun bowl is beautiful, I tried my hand at pottery many years ago and I was pretty hopeless, shame as I love the finish on raku pottery, at least I think that's what it's called. Do you make yarn holders by any chance? If you don't know what they are just search for ceramic yarn holders on google and you'll get an idea. If you do, I may have to treat myself on my birthday next year, seeing as it's a milestone one :o

I know a couple of people who do make a living from selling what they make but they're lucky enough to have broken into the rich peoples' market and their work regularly appears in 'up-market' magazines. I do literally feel sick when I see the prices they are charging for their work, which is very good, but they are getting far more than minimum wage for the hours they put in. I don't think I'd ever be cheeky enough to ask anyone to pay so much money but it would be brilliant if someone would. On the other hand, I love what I do and if it ever felt like a 'proper' job it may not feel like quite as much fun.

As for the stuff my bloke has been pyro'ing, that's just the stuff that sells when I'm doing the yarn workshops at festivals, he has to do something to keep out of trouble. He prefers to work on much bigger projects. I would love him to make & pyro a large wooden bed, but as we don't actually need another bed it will have to wait. His next job (if I can persuade him) is going to be burning a design on one of my spinning wheels or maybe onto my violin. Not decided which yet. The cannabis leaf is actually a hemp leaf ;) which just happens to be one of my favourite yarns to work with. Can't understand why it's illegal personally, it's not like you can get high off it. It's so useful though and I've never had the chance to spin it, I've only worked with the ready made yarn, but it's so soft and takes dye beautifully.

As for planning regs, some of us do intend to work the woodland (all official like) and we understand about being able to stay there for the season but there being no legal definition of what a season is and just what buildings can and cannot be erected, but I've refrained from mentioning it until we've actually decided on the type of land we are going to buy and whether or not is has existing buildings. As I'm part of a co-operative, it's looking like a small farm but it's going to have a woodland. Planning regs will be dependent on the property/land and the legal status of our co-operative and whether there will be any 'change of use' issues. I just wanted to blog about 'my' dream woodland, hoping to sway the others into thinking 'more trees less grass', although it's not really going to plan. Once this year is over, we're going to get all the legalities started and get a firm idea of what we want, now we've all had some time to think about the various suggestions and their implications. I've actually had some very good advice from someone involved in local planning, regarding the different types of property/land and what regs relate to each type, what you can build and where, etc. I'm also getting advice from my 'legal eagle' ex-boss, as well as numerous folk in the sustainable sector. I content to carry on dreaming and I refuse to worry until there is an actual problem to overcome. I've got my teeth into this and, although I don't enjoy being down to earth, I'm walking blindly into this with no idea of what lies ahead, I'm asking questions, taking advice and thinking things through.

One last thing, you really should have bought the bus, my bloke would love a double decker too. I love old vehicles, buildings, tools, etc, I think I was born in the wrong time. Should have been born before the enclosure acts, then I could have been free to roam around the common land :D
Wigan Pixie
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