Small Woodland Owners' Group

couple of radio programmes on Ash dieback

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couple of radio programmes on Ash dieback

Postby SimonFisher » Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:57 am

The Tree Scientists - Wednesday 12th December 11:00 Radio 4

With 80 million Ash trees in the country under threat, can anything be done to save them from the devastating effects of Ash dieback? Dr. Adam Hart looks at what scientists know about the fungus that causes Ash dieback, he travels to Poland - where the fungus was first isolated and identified and speaks to leading scientists not only there but in the UK and Denmark to determine if our Ash trees will suffer the same fate as they have across the continent.

Costing The Earth: Future Forests - Thursday 13th December 15:00 Radio 4

The crisis in Britain's ash forests came as a shock to public and politicians. But is it a vision of the future for our woodlands? Stressed by climate change and vulnerable to pests and diseases crossing the English Channel the prospects seem grim.

In a special edition of Costing the Earth Tom Heap asks what our forests will look like in the future. Is there anything we can do to stem the flow of disease, can our native trees be made more resilient or should we consider planting a wider range of trees? Tom visits Lithuania where ash dieback disease first came to attention in Europe to find out how they've come to terms with new threats to their forests and meets the experts and enthusiasts with a fresh approach to protecting our forests.
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