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recent weather

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recent weather

Postby splodger » Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:47 pm

anybody had any problems after this last spell of wet & wind?

there have been quite a few trees blow over in our area - and more will follow for sure (none in our wood thankfully - and i am so pleased that the cables we put on our old holm oak tree have so far kept the glorious thing standing upright ) but if the wet and the wind continue - we are sure to lose a few trees this winter

with all this extreme wet - both myself and my dad carry chainsaws etc in our vehicles - just in case we come across a blocked road from a fallen tree - does anybody else do this?

stay safe everybody - hope you have a good xmas etc :D
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Re: recent weather

Postby Rich » Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:51 am

both myself and my dad carry chainsaws etc in our vehicles - just in case we come across a blocked road from a fallen tree - does anybody else do this?

Not usually, I remember the 87 storm though. I had to walk to work about 2 miles up the lane at 6 in the morning when the tail end of the storm was still ripping through. I can't believe I even contemplated it, there were still trees coming coming down around me and I didn't so much as walk, but kind of sailed at what seemed like 60 miles an hour with no effort as the wind took me.

It must have been the adrenalin, or just plain youthful stupidity. Amazing how your natural risk assesments really tighten up as you get older, if it happened again, I wouldn't even leave the house!

So take care everyone and have a good christmas.
Richard Hare
SWOG website editor

[email protected]
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Re: recent weather

Postby tracy » Thu Dec 27, 2012 2:19 pm

our wood is VERY wet! and we saw some boar, awfully exciting with really bad photos! ... woods.html
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Re: recent weather

Postby tracy » Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:51 am

Ah, we were safely in the car when we saw them, but saw a dog walker shortly afterwards and did warn them. seems to be dogs that get injured in our area when they go running up to make friends!
We do hope to see more, it was more interesting that squirrels.
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Re: recent weather

Postby Alex » Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:46 pm

Different world down there in south england, don't think any boars have found their way up here, yet.

Whats the history behind the boar population, were they realised or escaped?
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Re: recent weather

Postby tracy » Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:43 pm

Local rumour has it they escaped from Paul McCartney's land. I am sure someone will correct me though!
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Re: recent weather

Postby Jackdaw » Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:40 pm

There is/or was a breeding farm in Tenterden, I know several escaped after the storm in the 80's, occasionally see them up our place, bloody shock when you come round a corner and a big male is looking back at you. Fortunately only happened twice, and only at dusk. But to be fair, they have as much right to be there as anything else and I wouldn't dream of inviting a hired gun anywhere near the place.
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Re: recent weather

Postby Terry » Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:57 pm

Round our way (Forest of Dean) the boar are pretty active although the cull OCP referred to seems to be on and off depending on the latest estimate of numbers.
They do tear up the picnic areas and verges as well as the woods and last week did our access track over - very handily taking out the build-up in the middle where it was getting a bit high for the car. Mind you did take a couple of hours clearing the dug-over sods so the car could get through.
Have video of a sow with 14 half-grown little ones on the edge of our garden and the neighbours boy got some good shots a few weeks ago of some others in the field below us. He and our 8 year old were all for nipping down for some close-up shots till I suggested otherwise :!:
Dont mind them being about, but since their predators no longer live in the area I suspect an occasional cull will be needed to keep things from getting out of hand. A neighbour has taken out a couple over the last few years when they were getting too destructive in his fields - I have been promised a joint from the next ;)
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Location: Forest of Dean

Re: recent weather

Postby Alex » Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:05 am

Interesting thanks for letting me know, sound a bit like mink then. I wonder what other animals if released into the wild here, could survive? I hear a lot about big cats around here.
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