Small Woodland Owners' Group

Xmas Tree Vandalism/Theft

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Re: Xmas Tree Vandalism/Theft

Postby Alex » Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:17 pm

Thanks again for explaining.

The cameras sound really great, could be very useful on the farm. Battery life was something that concerned me.

It seems most things google found were motion sensors with alarms for houses, I'd simply want one that tells me if someone has entered a building about a mile away from the house. I don't think a badger or owl could open a door to enter, but you never know!
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Re: Xmas Tree Vandalism/Theft

Postby Terry » Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:53 pm

OCP, any idea how your camera compares to the Bushnell ones?
Your posting on utube of the mice seemed pretty good?
Also the ebay link you posted - was this where you got yours from - ie are they reliable suppliers??
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Re: Xmas Tree Vandalism/Theft

Postby Terry » Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:00 am

ratcatcher wrote:nothing moved in the garden all night, so no night shots, re set it today and it captured the dog great, full colour, transferring from memory card to computer was easy, uploading to face book perfect, but uploading to utube it goes distorted? have no idea why, perhaps look on "goose wood" on Facebook, I'll add the shot that made me realize I need to loose weight, OCP one sounds a better unit as this is only 5mp, but of course its slightly cheaper at moment, the two cost me £150, not that I'd want either to go walkies,

with most units that are sealed via a rubber seal, a small amount of vaseline keeps them from deteriorating and then leaking

looking at the link from OCP, these units can be ordered from china, min order 10, which brings them in around £80 mark each unit, you'd only need to find 9 potential customers/woodland owners to save a few £££££'s

mmm, Vaseline being an oil based product will deteriorate most rubber seals over time. Silicone type sealants would be better perhaps?
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Re: Xmas Tree Vandalism/Theft

Postby Alex » Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:11 pm

Yes you are completely right, but I am young and wreckless, stupid too, act first, and think later. And then usually regret in hindsight.

Nothing makes me more angrier though. I had kept some really fantastic lambs in that field one year, were going to make brilliant breeding sheep....gone. The pigs do sweet f-all.

Now I wouldn't go with a shotgun or weapon, I'd go with the intent of A. Finding out who it is, B. Getting their registration number. If that puts me in danger, so be it.

Anyhows I really appreciate the sound advice, using the law creatively sounds well worth it, even if dishonesty or exaggeration is involved. Thanks OCP and others.
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Re: Xmas Tree Vandalism/Theft

Postby Alex » Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:49 pm

Don't get me started on the police....I swear this topic could result in me getting banned from the forum for choice language....I'll try my best

I'm going on a speed awareness course soon, because one officer decided to clock people leaving the village, and entering the national speed limit, as everyone does I speeded up before reaching the signs, I reached 36 in a 30, then had a choice of points and a £60 fine or no points and a course fee of £85....I'd never enter the village over 30mph, not sure if they do the same in England? They must get some sort of bonus out of it, otherwise they'd enforce this more where it actually matter, like in the middle of the village, opposite the school and village shop, not near the exit.
When I had just passed my test too, I got stopped and fined for having a hole in my exhaust . ie, vehicle defect.

Apologies to go off topic.

I guess you learn from your mistakes, I don't know how I'll react if I ever do confront someone. In perhaps my poshest voice, I might say 'get orf my land', and if they get shirty, release the sheepdogs / get the gun / call the police and claim they have a weapon and my life is at risk.... :P
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Re: Xmas Tree Vandalism/Theft

Postby Toby Allen » Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:25 pm

Sounds good.

So the general opinion is that the acorn is a better camera than the maplins one ?

Any one got a second hand one ?
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Re: Xmas Tree Vandalism/Theft

Postby The Barrowers » Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:43 pm

We have a Bushells which is good. We use a combi lock to lock the case to trees just in case it's seen. Was a bit more expensive than Maplins. Imported by American Golf

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Re: Xmas Tree Vandalism/Theft

Postby jennysmate » Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:41 pm

My hasnt he grown.
You can spot trail cameras at night, by the I.R. beam.
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