Small Woodland Owners' Group

is this search necessary

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Re: is this search necessary

Postby Bearwood » Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:47 am

If the woodland is to be purchased using a mortgage, I'd hazard a guess that the provider will require the 'extra' to ensure that the land is safe from future development which may reduce the value of the land and therefore put their money at risk (notwithstanding that development may also increase the value!!).

If financing by other means, the searches should be at your discretion and possibly could be viewed as due diligence. The solicitor may be covering his/her back by suggesting the additional search.

If it helps, info on searches can be found here: ... ck_report/
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Re: is this search necessary

Postby Meadowcopse » Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:59 pm

Pre-purchase searches to some degree occur in agricultural land auctions, I completed a purchase in 13 days from hammer-fall (would have been 10 if vendor had been available for signature on a Friday afternoon).
However, I wouldn't recommend rushing in normal circumstances without being satisfied by legally scrutinised written disclosures.
I was lucky in that I had 1 months notice of sale particulars and access to full legal pack at estate agents, was born in next village up the road and that Father was a professional surveyor and went over stuff in the sale particulars and legal packs, also I vaguely knew the vendor and he is genuinely decent.
I was also aware of details of neighbouring agricultural land and which fields on the edge of the village were 'land-banked' by developers.
Ironically, if not very much is recorded / impending, then a search might not tell you very much, but at least all statutory undertakers and authorities have been communicated with and replied in writing.
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Joined: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:13 am
Location: Cheshire


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