Small Woodland Owners' Group

Woodland insurance revamp...

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Woodland insurance revamp...

Postby thebeechtree » Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:25 pm

Hi everyone,
A quick email to say that the woodland liability insurance scheme run by Beech Tree has been improved and will now be on an online quoting system, which will also take payment and issue documents. However, I'll still be here to give advice and answer any questions and to give the quotation personally if you wish.
The scheme offers Public Liability of £5m and also Employer's Liability of £10m, the latter to cover allegations of injury to helpers in your wood/land, whether they are paid or voluntary, contractors or just friends, neighbours or SWOG members.
The basic level of woodland ownership, (eg, no hosting of public events or the existence of hazards such as old wells; no use of chainsaws by your helpers), would typically cost around £155 a year.
If you have factors such as the above examples, we'll quote on the basis of the info you provide; it may not be any more than the price mentioned above.
Hope to hear from you and always happy to give advice.
Gary Alexander
Posts: 26
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:39 pm

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