Small Woodland Owners' Group

should be good to watch

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Re: should be good to watch

Postby SimonFisher » Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:28 pm

ratcatcher wrote:

Doesn't look to me like it's going to reach its funding target ...
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Re: should be good to watch

Postby davetb » Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:31 pm

oldclaypaws wrote:I'm pleased to say I also had a loose idea for a woodland TV programme, which has attracted enormous interest from ITV and is likely to go out as a thirteen part series.

" Essex woodland gypsy DIY holiday dating disaster"

-follows a group of drunken Essex gypsies planning a wedding in the wood, their car chases with the police as they nick cars and run over pedestrians, and their attempts to illegally build a DIY woodland Yurt, decorate it and plan a woodland garden with Allan Tichmarsh. They also randomly guess the identity of mystery dating partners for a jungle holiday in the denser parts of the wood, competing with minor unknown celebrities in a singing contest for the hand in marriage of Peter Andre and a years supply of bush tucker.

According to Simon Cowell, who is backing the series, "Its bound to be a smash hit and raise public awareness off how low people like me will sink to give the masses the dross they deserve, set among a few trees. The trees got in the way of filming so we did chop most of them down, but I found the disturbed woodland creatures were quite useful after we ran out of loo paper."

Filming is scheduled to start after host Jordan has had her latest chest enhancement completed, which are on their way in two seperate 40 ton trucks.


Fantastic, however if it is to be aired on satellite tv it's going to need to include sharks, Nazis and air crashes.
Maybe an episode with a plane crashing into your wood with a Nazi pilot transporting deadly sharks, which survive the crash and somehow are at large in the woods.
Best wishes, Dave
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Re: should be good to watch

Postby Meadowcopse » Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:46 pm

Channel Four did a reasonably good broad subject woodland series around the early 1990s with a book published in association with the series (The Tree Book - pub. Ch4).
It's how I came to be involved with a local pagan based conservation educational charitable trust that purchased 30 odd acres of clear felled FC land up a Welsh hillside...
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