Small Woodland Owners' Group

oh, how I hate solicitors

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Re: oh, how I hate solicitors

Postby MattF » Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:28 pm

Welcome to the Club but you can't do anything without them and they know it
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Re: oh, how I hate solicitors

Postby SimonFisher » Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:41 pm

MattF wrote:Welcome to the Club but you can't do anything without them and they know it

Not strictly true, but they do a pretty good job of making you think so.

There are some better ones out there that will for instance use that most recent of invention, the telephone, to get in touch with other party to move things along rather than writing to them!!
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Re: oh, how I hate solicitors

Postby davetb » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:02 pm

It should be like buying a coffee, you pay and get the wood.
We bought our woods through Cleggs and I don't remember any issues.
Our solicitor did say it was more interesting, for him as it was unusual.
It did take about a month to sort out the searches etc.
Unlike the other 'interested parties' we didn't get a survey as the value, to us, was what was in our hearts, not the value of the trees.
Once the contracts are finally exchanged, you can forget about all the delays.
You'll be too busy worrying about wood stuff....I was up today and there's so much to be done, I'm almost paralysed by the enormity of it all.
Best Wishes, Ratcatcher
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Location: Cardiff ( woodland is near Monmouth )

Re: oh, how I hate solicitors

Postby Chunkymunky » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:05 pm

Yes Dave. Have looked at cleggs site and to be honest it seems a lot more professional and sales based. Some very large lots there too.

Ratcatcher I shouldn't stress. Best things in life happen in their own time
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Re: oh, how I hate solicitors

Postby davetb » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:53 pm

We were looking for 5 - 10 acres via and all the woods near us were pine. Several were quite pretty.
We had a look at Cleggs and thought we'd view a 39 acre ancient woodland ( Oak, hazel, ash etc..).
We had no intention of buying it, way out of our price range, but acres and acres of bluebells when we viewed.
Cleggs tend to get several interested parties and ask for 'sealed bids', and we felt a bit under pressure. We weren't even sure anyone else was interested. I've since heard 3 people submitted bids, from a neighbour.
We would have much preferred a 'fixed price'.
We 'broke the bank', sold all our investments, took out a big loan and bought it.
We're now skint but happy, the global recession happened a couple of weeks after we bought it, so we 'dodged a bullet'.
Mind you, when we 'moved in', no bluebells and 8' brambles.
Needed a machete to find the gate.
It's been untouched for 30 - 40 years.
Absolutely no regrets.
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:12 pm
Location: Cardiff ( woodland is near Monmouth )

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