Small Woodland Owners' Group


Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!


Postby MattF » Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:27 pm

Drove up to the wood yesterday to find a couple helping there selves to the wood that has been cut down and when asking them what do they think there doing was told they could have it due to it been the councils then I politely told them it was privately owned and the answer was it says council on the sign I should get it altered


I added this notice the other week on a Wednesday evening and it was missing by the Sunday


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Re: Unbelievable

Postby Bearwood » Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:47 pm

That's awful Matt. Public access to woodlands, and subsequent theft of timber or equipment, seems to be a fairly common theme of late. May I suggest a new sign with 'Live Firing Range' emblazoned clearly across it ;D
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Re: Unbelievable

Postby Jackdaw » Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:31 pm

Damn !!!
Suppose that's the risk you take when buying woodland close to public footpaths these days.
I've just spend 2 days logging next years firewood, Its all piled up within the woodland ready for shifting to dry store. Probably close to 500 bar in value if I was to buy it.
Think I better shift it soon !!!!.
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Re: Unbelievable

Postby Chunkymunky » Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:06 pm

Repaint the whole sign not a temp fix! Well worth the effort. Also point out removal of anything is theft and cctv in operation.
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Re: Unbelievable

Postby The Barrowers » Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:09 pm

Sign looks like a good board to use for something useful or firewood, offer it to offenders
Have council supply a new sign?
Hope the bother goes away

B and T
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The Barrowers
The Barrowers
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Re: Unbelievable

Postby MattF » Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:53 pm

The council are putting new notice boards up that are enclosed.
But the best one today is having one of my tyres been let down with a stick in the valve when I was at the other end of the wood so not happy now
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Re: Unbelievable

Postby Bearwood » Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:30 am

Sounds like its time for Trailcam!!
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Re: Unbelievable

Postby MartinD » Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:27 pm

We had the same problem a couple of years ago - 2 4X4's with trailers turning up in the dark to take wood. I went out to challenge them, whilst my wife phoned the police. I got them to unload the wood from the trailer. Same response - "we thought it was the councils" - as though that meant it was free for the taking! However, I think this must have been their second trip, as there was only half the volume of wood after it had been re-stacked. The police told my wife that I should not go out to challenge them (too late) - that it might be dangerous- and that they would deal with it. Two days later I got a phone call from the police - was there still a problem they could respond to? I said 'no', and they said they would patrol the area - but I've never seen a police car anywhere near.
Coincidentally I was talking yesterday to a woodsman who has been working in another part of the wood recently. They had felled some trees and cut them to 0.5m lengths, and went home for the evening. The following day ALL the logs had gone. There is a padlocked gate to the access track, and it would require a lorry to get that volume of wood out. So that day the felled more trees, but left them whole. That night a neighbour reported to one of the owners that the gate had been taken off its hinges, and the following day the woodsman found the gate back on its hinges, but that their trees had been logged and removed!
How do these people know where to go, and when, to get their ill gotten gains?
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Re: Unbelievable

Postby Landpikey » Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:43 pm

I think it is indeed time for a trail cam. If people are losing that much wood to people going to that much effort it has to be worth it. The next step is them coming in and chopping the trees down themselves. You can only hope they injure themselves - but would they then make a claim against the wood owners!!! Funny old world.....

Can you change the bottom hinge on the gate so it points down and therefore holds the gate in place preventing them from lifting it off?

Or take some very clear pictures of a car in the wood with a HD digital camera, blur out the number plate and copy it into several posters saying "Trailcams in operation in these woods". Scrotes may then think that the pictures were from trail cams and think twice about your wood. But anyone with woods in the vicinity will then be targeted!

Some people have a strange view on taking things, as it seems if it "belongs" to the council then they can take it for themselves.
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Re: Unbelievable

Postby Bearwood » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:19 am

I'm on a site Liverpool which has been cleared of vegetation and the trees have been logged to manageable size. I've been here three days and have been asked a dozen times by passers-by if they can have the wood.

Surprisingly, its still here.
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