Small Woodland Owners' Group

Lymes Disease

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Lymes Disease

Postby Rod Taylor » Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:19 pm

Sounds drastic but it seems as though a GP or Doctor needs to see an actual tic or the NHS wont fund any tests or treatment. At least that was what our GP told my partner this afternoon. He agreed that all the classic symptoms were correct for the later stages of Lymes Disease BUT "his hands were tied" and unless HE had seen a tic the NHS would not pay for any tests or treatment. Tests seem to only be done in Germany and cost £500 for the initial test that doesn't show much and £1000 to break the samples down to get a real result.
Neither of us have actually found a tic on our skin but of course get covered in bites and swellings from all sorts of flying/crawling critters while out and about. So remember this cautionary tale if you find a tic and remove it yourself hoping it hasn't already infected you. I've read the posts about removing tics and believe in self reliance but the NHS just seem hell bent on making the queues even longer at A&E departments or worming out of spending money on anything not on the current government target list.
Rod Taylor
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Re: Lymes Disease

Postby The Barrowers » Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:54 pm

Hello I hope (she) is alright

B and T xx
B and T
The Barrowers
The Barrowers
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Re: Lymes Disease

Postby SimonFisher » Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:07 am

Sounds drastic but it seems as though a GP or Doctor needs to see an actual tic or the NHS wont fund any tests or treatment...

... contrary to NHS advice given here, which confirms that correct removal at the earliest opportunity is preferable.
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Re: Lymes Disease

Postby splodger » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:13 am

several years ago - i had a tic attach itself to me - which i removed.
i had to go to the hospital shortly afterwards for something unrelated - and mentioned the tic bite - i was sent to have blood tests straight away - a week later i was called by my GP to say that the test was positive for lymes. after a long course of antibiotics and a blood test 6 weeks later all was well - test came back clear :D

i personally would remove tic straight away - then go to GP to advise them - but - i was told (back then) that lymes can take about 4 weeks or so to incubate / show up in the blood - so a test done straight away might not show positive - even if the tic carried the disease
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Re: Lymes Disease

Postby Rod Taylor » Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:49 pm

Back to the NHS post code lottery then, made worse by never having found a tic. Reading up on the subject now it seems that up to 1/3 of bites fail to show the usual symptoms, and that two years or more after the bite a blood test may fail to show signs of the chronic stage and diagnosis relies on symptoms of the disease. I cant fault the advice to remove tics as soon as possible but with the advice to save the tic and present that to your GP.
Rod Taylor
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Re: Lymes Disease

Postby James M » Mon Jul 08, 2013 4:09 pm

James M
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Re: Lyme Disease

Postby Rod Taylor » Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:03 am

Thanks for that James M.
Another good site is who also have warning posters about the disease that you can download to warn and inform your visitors.

Also seems to be some progress in recognising the growing problems of the disease as a new National Clinic for Lyme disease at The Royal County Hospital Winchester is due to open this September.
Rod Taylor
Posts: 81
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:37 pm

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